user experience design > responsive web design project

launch: 2013 (Q4)

- agile workflow
- HTML prototyping
- cross platform testing

as a major telecom, vodafone ireland was keenly aware of the need to better support customers accessing their online services via smartphones, so in 2013 a team embarked on a project to roll out responsive web technology to their site. as one of the first regions in the vodafone group to do so and the first irish telecom to deliver responsive design deep into the website’s structure, we were entering uncharted territory.

objectives of the project were to make responsive:
- the end to end new purchase and upgrade flows
- key informational and sales pages for both consumer and enterprise customers
- all help & support pages

this futher supported business objectives by removing the need for a separate .m site and putting in place an easily updatable framework increased visual design and coding consistency on the site.